COPY TIPS (Delete This):

Use this short subheading to 

1) state the problem facing your audience 

2) the solution you will be providing them and 

3) what it will mean for their life in real world terms

To get started, you can ask GG:

"GG, give me 5 options for compelling subheadlines for my event opt-in page where I will be teaching [insert ideal client] how to [insert event outcome]."

With [Mention Their Struggles or Fears] you need a new success plan.

Join this LIVE where will share the NEW skills needed to [Achieve Desired Outcome]!

COPY TIPS (Delete This):

This paragraph is your chance to connect with the hearts and minds of the people you want to serve. Put yourself in their shoes - what might be holding them back? How might you address those fears, limiting beliefs or hesitations and prove that your offer is the solution they need?

To get started, you can ask GG:

"GG, give me about 250 words of sales copy on why someone who is a [insert ideal client] needs to come to my event about how to [insert outcome of your event]. Lean into the pain points and desires of [insert ideal client]."

AN OPEN LETTER                                                                      



When was the last good decision you made out of fear? 

I’m willing to bet you’ve never drastically changed your life for the better when you were driven by fear. 

But I also know that creating CERTAINTY and CONFIDENCE to overcome fear is absolutely possible for you... 

All it takes is equipping yourself with the unfair advantage of an unstoppable mindset. 

Listen - I can't see the future and no matter what [results/failures] you have had from [what they have tried in the past or who they have followed], I can promise you no one achieves their goals by dwelling on the past.

But what I do know is [obstacle they're facing] and [obstacle they're facing] are on the rise (that's not good)...

…and most people are letting fear drive their decisions - (or making no decision at all) and historically when this happens, [consequence of inaction].

It's time for you to lock arms with likeminded people ready to make 2024 a year of unstoppable growth!

And that’s exactly why I’m doing this Live on ...

So I can help you unlock the must-have skills that will create [specific benefits] - for you, your family and the world at large.

Let’s [overcome a common challenge] together...

Let’s [achieve a specific goal]...

No regrets, no playing small and no hesitation!!!

Join me Live on so I can show you the 3 things you must do to achieve [Main Outcome of Event]!

I’ll be live for about 3 hours - during that time I’ll expose the secrets nobody tells you about how to finally [Main Outcome of Event]

COPY TIPS (Delete This):

This section is about teasing the valuable insights attendees will gain from the event. Focus on the transformational impact of each secret.

1. Highlight the Challenge: Briefly outline a common problem or negative behavior your audience faces.

2. Introduce the Secret: Present the secret as a solution that addresses the challenge and leads to positive outcomes.

3. Tie the secret to the value of attending the live event, encouraging registration.

To get started, you can ask GG:

"GG, help me write 4 short paragraphs of sales copy for the 4 main benefits of an event where I will be teaching [insert ideal client] how to [insert event outcome]."

SECRET #1:                                                  

Expose a commonly held belief that isn't actually true about solving the problem you solve!

SECRET #2:                                                 

Share why your niche, the economy or some other external factor is actually set up well for your clients to succeed!

SECRET #3:                                                 

Talk about the cost of inaction and what waiting around could cost them.

SECRET #4:                                                 

Share the biggest objection to success in your niche and why your event is going to show them how to overcome it.

My Personal Commitment To You

By the end of our call, YOU will have the opportunity to take advantage of the exact same roadmap I’ve used to [Achieve Desired Outcome], even when facing [Objections Of Your Audience].

If you want to look back on this year as the year you finally took control for yourself and [Achieved Desired Outcome] - put it in your calendar for and join me live!


1. LIVE strategy session on starting at with to lay out your plan for [Achieving Desired Outcome].

2. Access to private event community where you will be surrounded by like-minded people ready to change their life. (Please introduce yourself here, everyone is like family!)

3. Pre-event prep inside of the private community to get you in the right success-mindset prior to .

4. And the best part, having the ability to gain the capabilities, tactics & mindset to stop letting [Roadblocks Your Audience Faces] hold you back from [Achieving Desired Outcome].

Spots will fill up fast and we have limited space, so hurry and click below to claim your free seat now!

See you there!

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